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About the Scottish Blue Carbon Forum

The Scottish Government is committed to better understanding blue carbon and how it can help us mitigate and adapt to climate change.   It is important that policy development is evidence led and built on sound science, so the Scottish Government a initiated a blue carbon research programme to better inform future policy and management decisions.

The Scottish Government's blue carbon research programme was developed by Marine Scotland in partnership with SNH, University of St Andrews, University of Glasgow, Heriot-Watt University, University of Stirling, Napier University and the Scottish Association for Marine Science.   The Scottish Blue Carbon Forum, which was launched in 2018 by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform, comprises the students and supervisors involved in the research programme, as well as external stakeholders who will help steer the programme. 


The Forum focuses on understanding the ability of various marine and intertidal habitats to trap and store carbon alongside building an evidence base on the effects that human activities may have on these habitats.  The Forum provides a platform both for researchers to provide scientific advice directly to policy makers, and for Government to engage directly with researchers.

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© 2022 Scottish Blue Carbon Forum

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