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Dr Craig Smeaton

University of St Andrews

Craig completed a NERC funded PhD focusing on quantifying carbon storage in Scotland’s fjord sediments in 2018 at the University of St Andrews under the supervision of Prof. William Austin, Dr. Althea Davies and Dr John Howe.

Craig is a Research Fellow on two projects funded by the Scottish Blue Carbon Forum (SBCF) and NERC.

1. The SBCF project aims to refine the carbon stock estimates and better understand the temporal and spatial dynamics of carbon in Scotland’s coastal ocean.

2. The NERC funded project (C-SIDE) sets out to understand the UK’s saltmarsh carbon stocks and what processes govern the development of these stores.

Craig's principle research focus is to improve our understanding of the role marine and intertidal sedimentary environments play in the global carbon cycle over different spatial and temporal scales. To tackle this issue, Craig brings together techniques from across the different geoscience disciplines (geo- physics, chemistry, morphology, spatial analysis). Geographically, Craig's research is currently focused on the saltmarshes of the UK and continental shelf sediments in the North East Atlantic in particular fjord sediments.

Project: Sources, Sinks and Subsidies: Understanding Sedimentary Carbon Across Scotland Coastal Seas & Carbon Storage in Intertidal Environments (C-SIDE)

Supervising: Celeste Kellock

Keywords: sediment, carbon, saltmarsh, isotopes, burial

Dr Craig Smeaton
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