Carbon burial regulated by climate and land use
Members of the SBCF at the University of Glasgow, led by Nick Kamenos, have published a study of the impact of climate and land use change on carbon burial

Two new Blue Carbon reports
Two new blue carbon reports have been published as part of Marine Scotland's Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science report series.
Check it out here

The Orkney Blue Carbon Report
The Orkney Blue Carbon Report was published on 13 January, with contributions from many SBCF members.

Minister launches blue carbon citizen science project
Natural Environment Minister Mairi Gougeon joined primary school children from St Margaret’s Primary School in Montrose for the launch of a blue carbon citizen science project
Check it out here

New Biogeosciences paper
Craig Smeaton and William Austin contributed to a paper led by Elena Lo Giudice Cappelli titled Organic carbon rich sediments: benthic foraminifera as bio-indicators of depositional environments

New Frontiers in Earth Science paper
Craig Smeaton (University of St Andrews) has had a paper titled Where’s the Carbon: Exploring the Spatial Heterogeneity of Sedimentary Carbon in Mid-Latitude Fjords published in Frontiers in Earth Sciences

Scotia Cruise
22/07/19 - 01/08/19
Teams from St Andrews, Stirling and SAMS have recently completed a research cruise collecting samples to investigate the carbon trapped in both coastal and shelf sediments, the impact of trawling on shelf sediments and the formation of pockmarks.

Official launch of the SBCF
The SBCF was officialy launched by Roseanna Cunningham (Cabinet Sec for Environment, Climate Change & Land Reform) on the 2nd of Novemeber at the MASTS Annaul Science Meeting.

New Blue Carbon news feature on STV news
A new STV news feature on Blue Carbon and Hope Spots. Check it out here

New Frontiers in Marine Science paper
Corallie Hunt and members of the SBCF have recently published a paper using acoustics to map seabed carbon.

SBCF Researchers visit BOSCORF
Allan Audsley and Tom Bradwell visited BOSCORF this week to examine there cores collected last summer on board the Scotia last summer.

R&A Funding Success
St Andrews scientists to investigate impact of climate and coastal change on world’s most prestigious golf courses.

SAGES 2019 Conference
27/11/19 - 28/11/19
Several SBCF members attended and presented blue carbon research at the SAGES 2019: Global Climate Challenges for a Blue Green Economy confrence
To see what was presented have a look at the abstract booklet

The Scottish Blue Carbon Forum has got a new logo and branding which highlights the different blue carbon environments which research is being undertaken.

New Journal of Maps paper
Allan Audsley (University of Stirling) has published a paper titled Distribution and classification of pockmarks on the seabed around western Scotland in the journal of maps.

New Frontiers in Ecology paper
Ben Taylor an alumnus of the SBCF published a paper entitled - Sediment Dynamics of Natural and Restored Bolboschoenus maritimus Saltmarsh, in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

Sea Loch research cruise
23/07/18 - 12/08/18
A team from St Andrews and SAMS recently returned from a 12 day cruise to the N and NW sea lochs of Scotland to collect samples to better understand the rate at which carbon is buried and how kelp is intergrated into the sediment OC store.

New Frontiers in Earth Science paper
Craig Smeaton and members of the SBCF have recently published the first C stock estimates for the surficial sediments of the UK EEZ.

New Earth Science Reviews paper
SBCF members have contributed to a global review on the role of fjords as as aquatic critical zones, highlighting there importance as hotspots for carbon burial and storage.
Check it out here

SBCF Reseachers appear in film
SBCF researchers have contributed to an new short film in collaboration with climateXchange.
Check the video out here

SBCF at climateXchange (COP25)
Several SBCF members attended and presented blue carbon research at the climateXchange event this week.
For more information check it out here

Policy and Practice Event
20/11/19 - 21/11/19
Several SBCF members attended the MAST & SUPER DTP training event this week which focused on how to use your research to inform the policy world.

SCOTIA cruise 1619S
26/10/19 - 01/11/19
Corallie Hunt (University of St Andrews), was again on board the Scotia collecting sediment samples from across the north sea focusing on the Moray Firth and the Firth of Forth regions.

New JGR: Bio paper
New paper An Assessment of the Tea Bag Index Method as a Proxy for Organic Matter Decomposition in Intertidal Environments led by a St Andrews Undergraduate now at the UCSB

Blue Carbon Meeting
A number of the SBCF members attend and presented at a 1 day Blue Carbon meeting in Edinburgh. The SBCF commitee chaired the session in addtion to sponsoring the meeting.
Photo: Nick Kamenos