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About the Forum

Scottish Blue Carbon Forum

The Scottish Blue Carbon Forum connects blue carbon experts from research institutions, non-government organisations, public bodies and the Scottish Government around a joint vision to develop a collaborative and innovative blue carbon community in Scotland. The Forum aims to enhance our understanding of how Scotland’s blue carbon resources contribute to climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience. The Forum provides a platform both for researchers to provide scientific advice directly to policy makers, and for Scottish Government to engage directly with researchers.

Our blue carbon research programme

The Scottish Blue Carbon Forum was launched in 2018 by the Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform. The Forum developed a blue carbon research programme to better inform future policy and management decisions. The aim of the research programme is to better understand the ability of marine and intertidal habitats to trap and store carbon, as well as the effects that human activities may have on these habitats.

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Our partners

The blue carbon research programme was developed by the Scottish Goventment in partnership with NatureScot, University of St Andrews, University of Glasgow, Heriot-Watt University, University of Stirling, Napier University and the Scottish Association for Marine Science.

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Steering committee

The Scottish Blue Carbon Forum is led by a Steering Committee comprising Scottish Government, University of St Andrews, and NatureScot representatives.


The Scottish Blue Carbon Forum is engaged in partnerships across the UK and internationally to support knowledge exchange, build capacity and to develop blue carbon research.

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© 2022 Scottish Blue Carbon Forum

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